Is It Safe To use Pine Sol on Wood Floors

The wood floor has become a great choice for any home because it is easy to clean. Sweeping and mopping are the common ways to clean the wood floor. In addition, the use of Pine Sol on wood floors is a good idea to get better cleaning.

You can use Pine Sol on your wood floor since it is safe in small and diluted amounts. Before using the product, you must check the dilution ratio label.

In addition, the best cleaning method you can try is to use Pine Sol mixture and a minimal amount of water as dry mopping.

Pine Sol can be used to clean hardwood floors and make your home look better and smell better. You can also clean hardwood floors with pine sol.

Is Pine-sol Safe for Laminate Wood Floors

Can Pine Sol be used on laminate wood floors? Generally speaking, you can use it on your laminate floors. Pine Sol itself is a classic multipurpose cleaner for flooring and other surfaces.

However, you must know how to use this product correctly. The use of Pine Sol without any proper technique can cause several problems, such as residue, floor damage, and discoloration. Besides, before cleaning the floors, it is wise to take several precautions first.

Essentially, the chemicals in this product can cause harm. That is why the use of gloves during the cleaning process is recommended to avoid accidental skin contact. You may use eye protection and a breathing mask to avoid any splashes causing eye or lung irritation.

Moreover, how often you should clean the laminate floor using Pine Sol floor cleaner will depend on you. However, it would be best if you didn’t wait more than a month, so you will not get a lot of visible buildups.  

Is Pine Sol Good For Hardwood Floors?

Yes, Pine-Sol is safe for hardwood floors that have been sealed or finished.

Also, Pine Sol can’t hurt the wood floor surface significantly, but it can hurt people, pets, and the environment in general, which can’t be ignored.

Hardwood floors are made entirely of solid wood. Oak, cherry, ash, maple, and poplar are wood types often used for hardwood floors.

Solid wood is not the same as engineered wood. Heat and pressure are used to press alternating layers of wood together to make parquet flooring more durable than solid wood.

Parquet is nice to look at and lasts for a long time. They are a very popular item. People who have parquet floors need to remember to keep them in good shape.

A simple way to keep your parquet floor looking its best is to clean it and take care of it regularly. Hardwood floors are often found in areas with a lot of foot traffic and need more care.

Pine-Sol is a good cleaner, deodorizer, and disinfectant used since 1929. When used correctly, it is safe for wood.

Why use pine sol to clean your wood floor?

Pine Sol makes the finish on your hardwood floor look better, unlike wax and oil-based cleaners that dull the shine on polyurethane wood surfaces.

Pine Sol is great for sealed hardwood, unlike oil-based and ammonia-based cleaners, which damage the seal and make it less likely that sealers or varnishes will stick to the surface in the future.

Lastly, when Pine Sol is used right, it doesn’t leave behind any residue that makes the wood floor finish look bad.

On the other hand, wax and oil-based cleaners leave behind a cloudy film. To get rid of this residue, you may have to sand and re-varnish your hardwood floor to return it to its original look.

Things to Consider Before Using Pine Sol on Wood Floor

Pine Sol itself is still a favorite product for many households. It can be a great cleaning agent for wood floors when used correctly. Besides, it is also safe to use on hardwood floors. However, you may need to consider several things before using the product.

The dilution ratio of Pine Sol

Checking the dilution ratio of the product is an important thing to do. Usually, diluting ¼ cup in a gallon of water is enough to clean non-porous hardwood floors. The use of Pine Sol with a higher dilution ratio may cause damage to your floors.

Precautions on the products

Even though it is safe for your hardwood floors, Pine Sol may not be safe for your skin. Reading the precautions on the product is a must. In this case, you should wear gloves, a mask, or eye protection to avoid the effects on your skin or eyes.

The use of it on other floors or surface

Pine Sol is not recommended for visibly or unsealed worn floors and waxed or oiled wood floors. Also, it is not safe to use on marble, unpainted kitchen cabinets, furniture, aluminum, and wax finished.

How to Use Pine Sol on Wood Floors

The following explanations include several steps and tips on cleaning your wood floors using the product.

Steps to Clean

After choosing your favorite product scent, let’s follow some steps below to clean your wood floor well using Pine Sol.

  • Use the solution to mop the wooden floor. And stay away from puddles because water can damage wooden floors.
  • Pine Sol can be used straight from the bottle to clean tough stains like grease. There’s no need to mix it with water first.
  • You can also use a mop to scrub the stain. Use a damp sponge to clean the floors and bring back their shine.
  • Steel floors should not be cleaned with Pine Sol. If you want to clean hardwood floors, don’t use steel wool or scouring pads.
  • Putting a drop of water on your floor is the best way to test this. If the water stays put, your floor is sealed. It can get into your parquet floor and show that it is old and damaged.

Tools for Cleaning

Before cleaning the wood floor using Pine-Sol, you must prepare the tools for deep cleaning.

  • Vacuum, broom, and dust mop
  • Microfiber mop or conventional mop
  • Sponge or brush for cleaning the tougher stains
  • Clean towel
  • Bucket
  • Gloves and other protection help protect yourself from the product’s direct contact with the skin.

Pine Sol Alternative for Wood Floors

Besides using Pine Sol on wood floors, you can choose some homemade recipes for your floor to clean your floor. It is simple and easy to make. In addition, the result is as great as when you use the floor cleaning product from the factory.


Vinegar can help you clean your floor by removing the dirt and grime on the wood. You only need to combine ½ cup of vinegar with water and apply it on the floors.

Vegetable Oil

When you want your wood floor looks shiny, you can mix vegetable oil and white vinegar. After that, you spray this cleaner on the floor thoroughly. You also can use a mop to apply it on the floor.

Olive Oil and Lemon Juice

The combination of lemon juice, olive oil, and warm water effectively removes stains on the wood floor. Besides, it helps the floor to look rich and shiny too.


When your wood floor gets dirty or needs to be cleaned, you should use pine wood. You can clean wood floors with Pine Sol. Just follow the above instructions.

Only sealed hardwood floors should be cleaned with water-based cleaners like Pine-Sol. Before you use Pine-Sol, you can always check to see if your hardwood floor is sealed.

Pour a drop of water on the hardwood floor to see if it pools on the surface or soaks right into the wood. This is an excellent approach to determining how effectively the floor is sealed.

If the water droplet rolls off the surface, your floor is sealed well, and you can use Pine Sol to clean it.